Last updated: 3 May 2024

Next review: 3 May 2025

Shared Ownership

If you’re working and have some money for a deposit, you could consider Shared Ownership. This is sometimes called ‘part-buy part-rent’.

Shared Ownership means you can buy a 25 to 75 per cent share of a home from a housing association. You then pay rent on the value of the remaining percentage. Rent is capped at a maximum 3 per cent of the value of the share that the housing association still owns. This means you can take your first step towards home ownership with a smaller deposit than if you bought a home outright.

When you can afford to, you can buy more shares until you own 100 per cent of your home.

Right to Buy

If you’re a council housing tenant, you may have the right to buy your home. Find out more on our Right to Buy page.